Use Golden Ratio For Your Next Logo Design

Do you remember those days when you were asked to attend the math classes? You probably used to think that you would never need to use the equations in real life. Well, that is not the case. If you want to create the best logo design, the geometry classes can help you now.


Before you can understand how the Golden Ratio can help you in creating a corporate logo design, you should understand what Fibonacci is. Let me explain with an example:


As you can see each of the numbers is the sum of the two numbers before it. The reason why 1 is written twice is that there is a 0 before 1.

If each of the numbers would represent a square, the square will keep increasing in size. Now, you have to arrange the squares from a designer’s perspective from small to big. When someone wants to find a graphic designer for logo design, you can use the Fibonacci method to get started with the Golden Ratio.

Golden Ratio:

Suppose there is a line that you divide into two parts while one of the parts is bigger than the other. The ratio of the smaller portion to the bigger portion should be equal to the ratio of the whole and the bigger part. The result should be 1.618.

Golden spiral:

The Golden Spiral is also known as the Fibonacci Spiral because of the pattern of the spiral. As I mentioned before, you have to represent each of the numbers with the help of a square and arrange those from small to big from a designer’s perspective. Now if you connect each of the squares with a circular arch, you will get a spiral. The spiral will be the perfect one.

You are ready with the basic steps of the Golden Ratio. Now it is time to create the best corporate logos with the help of the Golden Ratio. You can find some of the corporate logo designs on

  • Use different shapes:

The first thing that you can do is to use all the shapes that you get from the Golden ratio. So, there are squares and spirals, and circles that you can use. Using all the shapes will help you create a logo design that has more than one element and it will also look more balanced.

You can choose which size you want to, depending on the design that you have in mind. I would recommend you to use grids so that you can align all the parts of the logo.

  • Use the height and width:

Another way of using the Golden Ratio is by dividing the space in height and width. When someone is looking in search engines to hire a designer for logo, you want to be the designer who has something fresh to offer. However, you have the freedom to make the strokes thicker or thinner depending on what the logo design demands.

  • Design the placement:

Not all your clients who look for a ‘logo designer near me’ want a picture for their logos, right? Some of them may want to include some other elements such as letters as well. You can use the Golden Ratio to measure the placement of the other elements.

Golden Ratio is no rocket science truly. You can keep practicing to master it.

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